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Good College Essay Prompts
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
How Continuous Quality Improvement Can Address Medical Errors
How Continuous Quality Improvement Can Address Medical Errors This paper will cover clinical blunders and how Continuous Quality Improvement can address them. Human services chiefs have tended to the issue of clinical blunders for a long time. Clinical blunders can be brought about by need or correspondence and authority. Quality improvement in the human services condition is an interesting issue and chiefs are looking into manners by which they can build the nature of care that a patient gets. The nature of care that a patient gets can be the deciding element regarding whether they live beyond words. It is important that administrators create approaches and actualize control measure to control the ascent of clinical blunders. Thoughtfulness regarding clinical mistakes heightened more than five years prior with the arrival of an investigation from the Institute of Medicine (IOM), which found that somewhere in the range of 44,000 and 98,000 Americans pass on every year in U.S. clinics because of preventable clinical blunders (Kaiseredu, 2010). Medical clinic mistakes rank between the fifth and eighth driving reason for death, slaughtering a larger number of Americans than bosom malignant growth, auto collisions or AIDS. Genuine medicine mistakes happen in the instances of five to 10 percent of patients admitted to emergency clinics. These numbers may downplay the issue since they do exclude preventable passings because of clinical medicines outside of emergency clinics (kaiseredu, 2010). Medicinal services directors, alongside the Food and Drug Administration, have study the clinical blunder reports to decide the reason for mistakes. Clinical blunders are one of the main sources with regards to why social insurance has declined. To improve human services directors must decide how to diminish the death rates. Administrators can decide this by considering and investigating clinical reports. These reports gave chiefs nitty gritty data on what method was being led or what drug the patient was managed. In an investigation by the FDA that assessed reports of lethal prescription mistakes from 1993 to 1998, the most well-known blunder including drugs was identified with organization of an inappropriate portion of medication, representing 41% of deadly medicine blunders. Giving an inappropriate medication and utilizing an inappropriate course of organization each represented 16% of the blunders. Practically 50% of the lethal drug mistakes happened in individuals beyond 60 yea rs old. More seasoned individuals might be at most serious hazard for medicine mistakes since they frequently take numerous physician recommended prescriptions (Stoppler Marks, 2010). History has demonstrated that numerous reviews and research contemplates have been led, with the goal that suppliers can realize where and why errors are being made. When suppliers have an unmistakable comprehension, they can actualize control measure to protect these mix-ups don't happen. National Patient Safety Foundation Survey: The National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF) authorized a telephone study in 1997 to audit understanding suppositions about clinical mix-ups. The discoveries indicated that 42% of individuals accepted they had by and by encountered a clinical misstep. In these cases, the mistake influenced them by and by (33%), a family member (48%), or a companion (19%) (Wrongdiagnosis, 2010). Patients that were given the overview have encountered the accompanying clinical blunders: Misdiagnosis (40%), Drug mistake (28%), Clinical strategy mistake (22%), Regulatory mistake (4%), Correspondence blunder (2%), Inaccurate research center outcomes (2%), Hardware glitch (1%), and Other mistake (7%). Tolerant security ought to be the main worry for human services associations. Human services administrators are considered responsible for guaranteeing that patients are furnished with quality consideration. They are likewise responsible for the patients that are harmed or kick the bucket because of a provider㠢㠢‚⠬㠢„â ¢s clinical blunder. The human services businesses alongside logical specialists have created devices in which the nature of care can be estimated. Associations can utilize these devices to decide whether compelling consideration is being given. When they have decided the degree of care they are giving, they can instruct suppliers on what they are doing both off-base and right. The most widely recognized technique used to decide the nature of care, is using studies. Human services associations can furnish staff and patients with overviews to figure out what territories the association can improve and continue. These overviews won't be given to ea ch patient the supplier has rewarded however just a chose scarcely any will be studied. Quality estimation in the social insurance industry requires a lot of assets and financing. Specialists will in all probability use strategies that have worked previously and have give them information; they could use to improve the degree of care the association is giving. Social insurance analysts are continually attempting to discover manners by which the totally dispose of clinical blunders. Because of the persistent pattern of experienced suppliers leaving and new suppliers being recruited, clinical blunders much of the time will never be disposed of. Human services associations can anyway actualize the important control measures to guarantee that patients are not misdiagnosed or an inappropriate appendage isn't cut off (Cohen, 2007). Medicinal services associations can diminish clinical blunders by building up a constant quality improvement plan that requires the advancement of a multidisciplinary group to inquire about and explore the reasons for clinical mistakes. The Department of Veteran Affairs utilizes a CQI model created by the Joint Commission to lessen the number or clinical errors made by suppliers. Joint Commissions reviews all the Veteran Affairs Medical focuses to see whether their staff is following the clinical approaches and guidelines in giving quality consideration. Joint Commission has additionally settled arrangements with respect to how social insurance associations will report and handle sentinel occasions. A sentinel occasion is a sudden event including passing or genuine physical or mental injury, or the hazard thereof. Genuine injury explicitly incorporates loss of appendage or capacity. The expression, or the hazard thereof incorporates any procedure variety for which a repeat would convey a huge possibility of a genuine unfriendly result. Such occasions are called sentinel since they signal the requirement for sure fire examination and reaction (Jointcommission, 2010). Taking everything into account clinical mistakes can happen at whenever while a patient is accepting consideration. It is significant that human services suppliers convey and give training to their staff on decreasing the quantity of clinical blunders, the office has experienced. Clinical mistakes can prompt the association being sued by the patient or the patient relative. Law suites can be pulverizing for any association to experience and can decrease the measure of assets that have been assigned to giving quality consideration. In this manner it is significant that clinical mistakes are diminished and even disposed of.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
BEGA Cheese Limited
Question: Examine about the BEGA Cheese Limited. Answer: Presentation: Bega Cheese is an Australian based that has been occupied with the matter of dairy items in the nation. The organization has been set up in Bega a town in New South Wales Australia. The organization was recorded in the year 2011 in Australian stock trade. About portion of the companys shares are as yet been held by the Bega ranchers providers. The organization has been viewed as the Australian biggest dairy organizations in the nation. The net valuation of the organization has crossed the sign of AUD 775 million by December 2016 end. 25% stake in Bega Cheese Company has been held by Capitol Chilled Foods (Australia) Pty Ltd whose controlling interest lies in the hand of the global organization Lion. The organization is significantly occupied with creating the center dairy items which incorporates Cheese, cheddar cream, powdered milk. These items altogether caught around 40% of the all out income of the organization. The organization is likewise occupied with delivering the dietary items under the brand name of Bega Bionutrients brand. This catches around 20% of the all out income of the organization. According to the ongoing report, the results of the organization are well known worldwide with a normal 400 delivery holders are being traded every month to almost 70 goals over the globe. The administration of the organization is submit to all the guidelines that are material on the organization in the nation. In any case, being Bega Cheese restricted is into the journal based items business, there are hardly any particular food guidelines also which are appropriate on the organization. The administration of the organization is required to comply with the Federal and State Environmental Regulations. These incorporate detailing prerequisites under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 (Cth), the Protection of the Environment Act 1997 (NSW) and the Clean Energy Act 2011 (Cth). Simultaneously the administration of the organization is required to meet all the necessities of the worker related act which incorporates the Superannuation Guarantee Act where all the superannuation commitments are to be made as per the Superannuation Guarantee Act. Presently being the organization is occupied with food industry, they are required to consent to the Primary Production and Processing Standard for Dairy according to the Australian sanitation guidelines. Simultaneously there are sure dairy explicit guidelines that are likewise should be kept up by the organization which incorporates food norms code and especially the Standard 4.2.4 - The Primary Production and Proc essing Standards for Dairy Products, the Export Control Act 1982. In this guideline, the necessities of the clients, sanitation measures and parameters are very much characterized. According to the idea of the organization, there are sure intrinsic hazard that are heated in the organization, Inherent hazard alludes to the hazard where mistake or oversight can be there in the budget reports because of elements other than disappointment of control. These dangers can happen in the budget reports now and again when there are mind boggling exchanges and high level of judgment is required to be put in now and again of making the evaluations in the books. In the event of Bega Cheese a portion of the inalienable hazard that may be winning in the fiscal summaries is as per the following: Reasonable worth estimation: At times of planning of fiscal summaries of the organization, the administration of the organization is required to make certain evaluations. The reviewers for this situation are required to test the premise of the estimation that has been made in the administration and required to record those through the assistance of certain examples. If there should be an occurrence of Bega constrained, the administration dependent on their comprehension for the assessment laws makes estimation for the expense liabilities. The reviewers are required to test the fulfillment of the expense liabilities and their strength be a hazard that the assessment sum so registered by them isn't right and may require some adjustment. For this situation the records that will be affected will be the expense accounts, fixed resources, stock and so on. Stock: The valuation of the stock is again a significant are that emerged the consideration of the examiners. Being the organization is occupied with the food business, the incubation time of the stock ought to be low. There may be a likelihood that the stock that has been kept up by the organization may not be in a usable state and in this way that should be discounted. In this manner all things considered, there is a current innate hazard joined to the stock level for the organization. Further, the strategy utilized in for stock valuation ought to be considered considering the idea of the item that should be esteemed. For this situation the records that will be affected will be the stock records, Cost of merchandise sold and so forth. Controlling interest: The Company is a holding organization for some auxiliaries, in this way all things considered there may be chance identified with union of the records. The related exchanges ought to be dispensed with and so on should be considered completely by the evaluators. For this situation the records that will be affected will be the generosity and significantly all the records of the organization. Records receivables: The Company manages quantities of vendors inside the province just as outside. According to the ongoing report, the results of the organization are well known worldwide with a normal 400 delivery compartments are being traded every month to almost 70 goals over the globe. Accordingly all things considered the valuation of the equivalent and checking the right maturing the parities is again a test for the organization. For this situation, the evaluator of the organization is at the hazard that the record receivable adjusts are not exaggerated mean whether the organization has made sufficient arrangements in the books for the matured records receivables or not. For this situation the records that will be affected will be the records receivable adjusts and the arrangement for dicey obligation accounts. Unforeseen liabilities: The shaky things has their own significance related to the budget summaries of the organization. The administration needs to unmistakably write down the unexpected liabilities and express the right picture before the partners and investors of the organization. For this situation, the reviewer of the organization is at the hazard whether any arrangement is required to be made in the books in regard to the unforeseen obligation. For this situation the records that will be affected will be arrangement records and the various liabilities accounts that are identified with the unexpected liabilities. Remote Exchange Gain/misfortune: The Company has its activities the whole way across the globe. They have been executing in numerous nations as result, they are continually lying under the danger of confronting changes in the remote cash rate. This will affect the benefit of the organization at a more prominent pace. This will have a major intrinsic hazard for the administration. For this situation the records that will be affected will be all the outside related exchanges. References Dairy Australia.com, Regulatory review, saw on 23rd April 2017, Retrieved from https://www.dairyaustralia.com.au/Industry-data/Food-security and-guideline/Regulatory-structure/Regulatory-overview.aspx#key guidelines Food standards.com, 2015, Dairy Standard (Australia just), saw on 23rd April 2017, Retrieved from https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/code/primaryproduction/dairy/pages/default.aspx
Monday, July 27, 2020
Important Links for Freshmen Applicants - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Important Links for Freshmen Applicants - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Important Links for Freshmen Applicants As promised, here is the link to the 2010 essay questions, along with a few other pages that will provide some help in applying to UGA and writing admissions essays. The freshman application will be available in mid-August. 2010 Application Essay Questions Top Ten Hints for Applying to College Suggestions for Writing Admission Essays I hope these will answer a few questions for everyone, and I will try to keep this blog updated with details of what is happening in the Admissions process, and give a few more hints along the way.
Friday, May 22, 2020
What Is Luminosity and What does it Tell Us
How bright is a star? A planet? A galaxy? When astronomers want to answer those questions, they express the brightnesses of these objects using the term luminosity. It describes the brightness of an object in space. Stars and galaxies give off various forms of light. What kind of light they emit or radiate tells how energetic they are. If the object is a planet it doesnt emit light; it reflects it. However, astronomers also use the term luminosity to discuss planetary brightnesses. The greater the greater the luminosity of an object, the brighter it appears. An object can be very luminous in multiple wavelengnths of light, from visible light, x-rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwave, to radio and gamma rays, It often depends on the intensity of the light being given off, which is a function of how energetic the object is. Each object in this star cluster, including the clouds of gas and dust, has a brightness that can be described as its luminosity. The star cluster Pismis 24 also contains the star Pismis 24-1b. ESO/IDA/Danish 1.5/ R. Gendler, U.G. Jà ¸rgensen, J. Skottfelt, K. Harpsà ¸e Stellar Luminosity Most people can get a very general idea of an objects luminosity simply by looking at it. If it appears bright, it has a higher luminosity than if its dim. However, that appearance can be deceptive. Distance also affects the apparent brightness of an object. A distant, but very energetic star can appear dimmer to us than a lower-energy, but closer one. A view of the star Canopus, as seen from the International Space Station. It has a luminosity 15,000 times that of the Sun. It lies 309 light-years away from us. NASA Astronomers determine a stars luminosity by looking at its size and its effective temperature. The effective temperature is expressed in degrees Kelvin, so the Sun is 5777 kelvins. A quasar (a distant, hyper-energetic object in the center of a massive galaxy) could be as much as 10 trillion degrees Kelvin. Each of their effective temperatures results in a different brightness for the object. The quasar, however, is very far away, and so appears dim. The luminosity that matters when it comes to understanding whats powering an object, from stars to quasars, is the intrinsic luminosity. Thats a measure of the amount of energy it actually emits in all directions each second regardless of where it lies in the universe. Its a way of understanding the processes inside the object that help make it bright. Another way to deduce a stars luminosity is to measure its apparent brightness (how it appears to the eye) and compare that to its distance. Stars that are farther away appear dimmer than those closer to us, for example. However, an object might also be dim-looking because the light is being absorbed by gas and dust that lies between us. To get an accurate measure of the luminosity of a celestial object, astronomers use specialized instruments, such as a bolometer. In astronomy, they are used mainly in radio wavelengths  in particular, the submillimeter range. In most cases, these are specially cooled instruments to one degree above absolute zero to be their most sensitive. Luminosity and Magnitude Another way to understand and measure an objects brightness is through its magnitude. Its a useful thing to know if youre stargazing since it helps you understand how observers can refer to stars brightnesses with respect to each other. The magnitude number takes into account an objects luminosity and its distance. Essentially, a second-magnitude object is about two and a half times brighter than a third-magnitude one, and two and a half times dimmer than a first-magnitude object. The lower the number, the brighter the magnitude. The Sun, for example, is magnitude -26.7. The star Sirius is magnitude -1.46. Its 70 times more luminous than the Sun, but it lies 8.6 light-years away and is slightly dimmed by distance. Its important to understand that a very bright object at a great distance can appear very dim because of its distance, whereas a dim object that is much closer can look brighter. All objects in the universe have a brightness that is defined by a number called its magnitude. Each of these stars has a different magnitude. European Southern Observatory Apparent magnitude is the brightness of an object as it appears in the sky as we observe it, regardless of how far away it is. The absolute magnitude is really a measure of the intrinsic brightness of an object. Absolute magnitude doesnt really care about distance; the star or galaxy will still emit that amount of energy no matter how far away the observer is. That makes it more useful to help understand how bright and hot and large an object really is. Spectral Luminosity In most cases, luminosity is meant to relate how much energy is being emitted by an object in all the forms of light it radiates (visual, infrared, x-ray, etc.). Luminosity is the term that we apply to all wavelengths, regardless of where they lie on the electromagnetic spectrum. Astronomers study the different wavelengths of light from celestial objects by taking the incoming light and using a spectrometer or spectroscope to break the light into its component wavelengths. This method is called spectroscopy and it gives great insight into the processes that make objects shine. Each element in the universe has a unique spectral fingerprint. Astronomers use these spectra to determine the makeup of objects, and their spectra can also reveal their motions and other characteristics. NASA Each celestial object is bright in specific wavelengths of light; for example, neutron stars are typically very bright in the x-ray and radio bands (though not always; some are brightest in gamma-rays). These objects are said to have high x-ray and radio luminosities. They often have very low optical luminosities. Stars radiate in very broad sets of wavelengths, from the visible to infrared and ultraviolet; some very energetic stars are also bright in radio and x-rays. The central black holes of galaxies lie in regions that give off tremendous amounts of x-rays, gamma-rays, and radio frequencies, but may look fairly dim in visible light. The heated clouds of gas and dust where stars are born can be very bright in the infrared and visible light. The newborns themselves are quite bright in the ultraviolet and visible light. Fast Facts An objects brightness is called its luminosity.The brightness of an object in space is often defined by a numerical figure called its magnitude.Objects can be bright in more than one set of wavelengths. For example, the Sun is bright in optical (visible) light but is also considered bright in x-rays at times, as well as ultraviolet and infrared. Sources Cool Cosmos, coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/cosmic_classroom/cosmic_reference/luminosity.html.â€Å"Luminosity | COSMOS.† Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/L/Luminosity.MacRobert, Alan. â€Å"The Stellar Magnitude System: Measuring Brightness.† Sky Telescope, 24 May 2017, www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-resources/the-stellar-magnitude-system/. Edited and revised by Carolyn Collins Petersen
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Homework Takes Away From Family Time - 1592 Words
Introduction In the beginning of the twentieth century homework was viewed as an exceptional practice that helped students learn through practice and repetition. In recent years parents and educators were concerned that homework is taking away from â€Å"social experience, outdoor recreation, and creative activities†These experiences are necessary to a good childhood. So, let’s think about it, is homework necessary for success in school? Homework over the last few decades has increased dramatically, and people are trying to question if it is necessary The amount of homework given to students should decrease. The extensive amount of homework takes away family time that is necessary to child development. Also, stress that can can come with homework can cause health issues. The amount of homework given to students can cause students to cheat off students answers because they did not finish. Also, most of the homework that is assigned is not necessary in learning the material. The extensive homework takes away from family time. Childhood is the most important time to spend time with family because is can cause family separation issues With homework taking up most of a child’s time, there would be no time for quality family time that is need for a good family bond, which can lead to issues like not trusting other family members. Family involvement in education can help get families involved in school and knowing what their child is learning Having a parent not involved it theirShow MoreRelatedNo More Homework836 Words  | 4 PagesEnglish 2B March 3, 2013 Negative Effects of Homework Homework has historically been given to students to reinforce what they learn at school, and ultimately to help them learn the material better. However, too much homework is not helpful, and can be counterproductive. Excessive amounts of time spent on completing homework can take away from a student s social life, family time, and limits participation in sports or other activities. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Developing a Product Free Essays
string(274) " sauce from JJ food or from a supermarket; but according to the questionnaire Rocco’s Pizza filled out, they use their own special sauce which they make themselves Cheese- The cheese is poured on top of the pizza and is grated so it can be scattered around the pizza\." The business I am studying is called ‘Rocco’s Pizza’. Rocco’s Pizza was established in 1980 and is a franchise whose stores are located in Bristol, Southampton, Surrey and Camberley. The store I am studying is Located in Greenford – London. We will write a custom essay sample on Developing a Product or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rocco’s Pizza mainly sells low – medium quality pizza. As well as pizza, they sell other appetisers such as garlic bread, chips, chicken wings, ice cream and soft drinks. Rocco’s pizza has their own online store (http://www.roccospizza.co.uk) in which customers can place there order and get it delivered, or have it collected in stores. The main product the shop sells is a pizza. Before the pizza is made, the employee has to make the dough which is made from flour mixed into water. The size of the dough depends on the size the customer order. They come is a variety of sizes from 7 inches (small) to 15 inches (extra large). Once the dough is made, they flatten it out into a circular shape and add the basic cheese and tomato sauce. They then add a variety of topping which is decided by the customer such as Pepperoni, Chicken, Mushrooms, Sweetcorn, Bacon etc. They come with a choice of crust: deep pan – a thick crust that goes around the edges of the pizza or no crust. Once the raw pizza is made, it is put into the oven. While it is in the oven, the pizza rises, the cheese melts and the toppings are cooked. After it is cooked, it is immediately put into a box so it is kept freshed and is either delivered to the customer or given to them in store. The shop I am studying is located next to a school. This is a very good location as the students are likely to go out for their lunch and having a fast food restaurant next to a school would mean the student are more likely to go there. However they face competitors with other fast food restaurants nearby such as 2in1 Pizza, Lahore Spice and Harry’s Fish Bar. Their competitors are a major concern as they’re located closer to the school which make the students more likely to go there them rather than their shop. Form and Function: Form is the appearance of an item – what it looks like. For example the form of a football is a sphere. Aesthetic is the beauty of a product – people buy the product based on its look for example a piece of art. The form the dough of the pizza before it is cooked is a pale colour and has a circular shape once it’s flattened out. After the pizza has been baked in the oven, it rises and the colour of the crust turns from a pale colour to a brown colour. The toppings, along with the cheese, on the pizza become cooked and the colours become darker. The form of the box is a cuboid. It is made from cardboard with information on it written from ink. The lid of the box tucks inside so it is easy to open and it leaves minimum opened space so it is kept fresh for longer. It is small and compact so the pizza doesn’t move around inside. The function of a product is what it does. For example the function of USB flash drive is to store and back up files. The main function of the pizza is to be eaten by customers. It also has to look and smell good so it would attract to the customer. The main reason why people eat is to satisfy their need to eat. Another reason why they eat it is for its taste. The function of the box of the pizza is to keep the box fresh. It also advertises the business i.e. through its logo and it gives instructions on how to reheat the pizza. Another thing the box does is it informs the customers of the business such as contact details. The box has flaps on the inside to support the lid. The dough on the pizza is rough when it’s made but once it’s rolled out, it has a smooth feel. Flour is put on it so it doesn’t stick to the surface when it’s being rolled out and can be easily removed after it has been baked. Once it has been baked, it has a softer texture which mainly due to the pizza being raised. The cheese also has a softer texture because it has been melted. The toppings on the pizza and the base turn darker as it has been cooked. Quality of Materials: Rocco’s Pizza buys their materials from JJ Food. They buy it from here as they provide a range of different materials such as packaging and ingredients. They chose to buy from their as they’re relatively cheap and also provide to other fast food retails such as ‘Ali’s Fast Food’ and ‘Chicken Ranch’. However, not all of their products are bought from JJ Food. For example, they buy their sweetcorn from retailers such as Tescos as it is more convenient for them Rocco’s Pizza uses medium quality materials. They use this as they want to provide their customers with a good service whilst making as much profit as possible at the same time. If they used high quality materials, they would have to charge a higher price for the pizza which may lose customers. If they used low quality materials the customers won’t be satisfied and my never go there again. The ingredients involved in making a basic pizza are: flour, cheese, tomato sauce and the extra topping decided by the customer. These again are all medium as they can’t afford to purchase high quality materials. The basic ingredients: Flour – This is used to make the base of the pizza. The base is use to hold the rest of the toppings. Pizza- Normally small fast food restaurant would buy their pizza sauce from JJ food or from a supermarket; but according to the questionnaire Rocco’s Pizza filled out, they use their own special sauce which they make themselves Cheese- The cheese is poured on top of the pizza and is grated so it can be scattered around the pizza. Selection of topping in which the customers can choose from: The toppings they have are: Pepperoni, Ham, Mushrooms, Onions, Green Peppers, Tomato Beef, Pork, Smoky Bacon, BBQ Sauce, Chicken Chunks, Prawns, Tuna, Anchovies, Pineapple, Jalapenos, sweetcorn, and Mexican Beans. Rocco’s Pizza allows their customers to choose from a selection of topping as they don’t want them restricted the choices of pizza they provide. Also, because different people like a different combinations of toppings. Customer Service: Customer service is the services the business provides for its customers. Different business offer different services as they have different budgets. For example Tesco can offer more services such as delivery unlike a local retailer. Rocco’s Pizza offers these types of services to its customers to enhance their reputation as there a competitors nearby i.e. 2in1 Pizza. They also want their customers to be satisfied so they will want to shop there again Rocco’s Pizza’s offers a variety of services to its customers. One of these is free delivery however to be eligible for this, the order must be à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8.99 or more. Delivery is only available around limited areas as it would cost them a lot if they were to deliver to wider areas. Delivery can be done over the phone or at the counter at the customer’s convenience. It can even be done online. This is useful as they customer can change what they’re purchasing before they’ve ordered it. If they did this over the phone, they could cause annoyance to the staff. It also allows them to view the menu so they can see any special offers available Delivery is offers so they can get a wider audience. If they didn’t offer it, their only customers will be the local people however, since they do offer delivery, customers who don’t live so close can order from them at the convenience of their own homes and get it delivered to them for free. Rocco’s Pizza allows their customer to pay via debit or credit card. This is convenient for their customers as they don’t have to carry around money with them when buying from the shop. They can also control the amount they spend as is they pay with cash; the customers may have some change left over and spend it on other stuff. Paying via credit/debit card can be done in stores through the credit card reader. Rocco’s Pizza can’t offer return on purchases because it is food. It can only be returned if there is something faulty with the pizza for example if a hair is found in there; however this is a very rare occurrence. If there is something faulty with the pizza such as if the wrong toppings are put on, then they can either offer the customer with a refund or a freshly baked new pizza. Rocco’s Pizza gives their customers offers to attract them. They have 4 deals in which they provide to their customers: 1. Buy any medium pizza and you can get the 2nd, up to the same value, for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2.00 2. Buy any Large Pizza and get the 2nd, up to the same value, for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3.00 3. Buy a medium Margherita with up to 5 toppings, with Garlic Sticks or Garlic Bread, a portion of Potato Wedges and 2 cans of soft drink for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½12.49 4. Buy A Large Margherita with up to 5 toppings, with Garlic Sticks or Garlic Bread, Hot Wings or BBQ Wings and a 1.5 litre soft drink for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15.99 The waiting time at Rocco’s Pizza is average. The delivery time is roughly 30 minutes as they have to make the pizza and deliver it to the customer’s house. If there are delays, the customers may get frustrated and may never shop their again. They may even refuse to take it a demand for a refund. If people aren’t satisfied with their customer service they’re providing for example the waiting time is long, then they could complain to the manager. However it is not always bad as they can take the complaints as feedback and improve from it. Resources: Physical: Like every other business, Rocco’s Pizza needs a building in order to start selling. This is put on land. They use a lot of resources in the day-to-day running. One example of a resource they use is an oven. They use this to bake the pizza. They have around three to four of these as it speeds up if there are a few people ordering a pizza at the same time. They also need a kitchen in the building to make the pizza. The kitchen is also used to wash any dishes such as pizza trays and cups. The shop front is separate from the kitchen and is used to serve the customers. Rocco’s Pizza has their own delivery vehicle. It is used to deliver pizza to the customers’ house. The delivery vehicle has to have enough fuel to last enough deliveries otherwise the customers will get frustrated. Rocco’s Pizza use a car over a motorbike as it is less likely to get spoilt. However unlike a car, a motorbike can get through traffic more easily and get to the customers house quicker. The tools required to make pizza: Pizza cutter – This is used to cut the pizza into even slices. It goes from one edge of the pizza to the opposite. The number of times it is done depends on the size of the pizza for example, if it is a 7 inch pizza, it would be cut 2 times making 4 even slices whereas if it was a large 12 inch pizza, it would be cut 6 times making 12 even slices. A separate cutter is used for vegetarian pizzas and non-vegetarian pizzas so no trace of meat gets passed. Oven – This appliance is used to bake the pizza in. The person who operates it, sets the temperature and waits till the pizza has finished baking. The over would have a see-through glass on it so the staff can see whether it’s cooked or not. Rocco’s Pizza would have around 3 – 4 of these in their shop as they can make more pizzas if there are a few people ordering at the same time. Pizza tray- The pizza tray has 2 purposes. One of these purposes is a mould. The staff can place the pizza base inside the try so they can get the exact size of it. For example, if a customer ordered a small 7 inch pizza, the staff would get the 7 inch tray and place the pizza base on it so they can get a perfect 7 inch pizza. This is useful as they don’t have to waste time measuring in out themselves. The other purpose of the pizza tray is to hold everything together whilst it is being baked in the oven. Rolling pin – This is used to flatten out the dough into the pizza base before it is placed on the pizza tray. Human: Human resources and the people used to make an item. The main person who works at Rocco’s Pizza is the manager. He is the person in charge of the business and chooses who to employ. He also makes major decision such as what the money is going to be spent on. Rocco’s Pizza tries to minimise the amount of employees they have in order to make a bigger profit. There a different types of staffs who work at Rocco’s Pizza. One example is the person who works at the shop front operating the till. They take the customer’s order, take their money and give them their change and receipt. Another employee who works at Rocco’s Pizza is the kitchen staff/chef. This staffs makes the pizza based on the customer’s order. The final staff that work there are the delivery people. These people take the order and deliver it to the customer’s house The staffs are given training in order to perform their role better. For example the staff that operates at the till will be given training on how to work the till faster making waiting queues shorter. The kitchen staff would be given training on hygiene and the delivery people would be given training on taking different (shorter) routes so they can get to the customers houses quicker. Financial: Financial resources are the fund which is available to the business which is used to run and make a product. According to the questionnaire, Rocco’s Pizza needed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000 to start up. The used two sources of finance – internal and external to gather the money: The internal sources of finance they use, is retained profit. This is the profit made the business in which the owner invested back in. This source of finance is useful for Rocco’s Pizza as they don’t have to pay back interest on it and they have the cash immediately there however the money could be used for other reason such for the owners own personal use. One external sources of finance they use, is a loan. This is when they borrow money from the bank and pay it back with regular instalment with interest added on. The advantage of using this is that they can borrow how much they need whenever they want but they must pay back interest and it could take some time to get the loan approved. The finance used by Rocco’s Pizza is used for many purposes. The main reasons they use it is to buy the materials from JJ Food. They buy it in bulks as they get it at a discounted price. This is good for Rocco’s Pizza as they get it cheaper and it is good for JJ Foods as they’re getting a large order. Another way in which they use the finance is to pay the employee’s wages. This is their major expenditure so they have to only get the right number of employees as they’re not a very large business. Rocco’s Pizza Also uses the finance available to expand on their business. For example they can buy more hi-tech equipment like a better oven. They can also use it to expand on the building itself as it is relatively small. Rocco’s Pizza has the tough challenge of paying bills. They have to pay bills for water, electricity, heating, lighting and the worse of them all, business tax. They have to try and minimise any wasted resources in order to reduce bills. A way in which they could do this is by turning of the lights and radiators when they’re not in use. A computer is an important financial resource to Rocco’s Pizza. It is important to them as it is used to draw up financial data such as cash flow forecasts, budgets, profit loss accounts and balance sheets. They can use this data to see how well their business if doings convince bank manager to take out a loan should they require one. Materials: The material resources are the equipments needed to make an item. For hygienic reasons, the staffs at Rocco’s Pizza have to wear equipment while they are making the pizza. An example of an equipment wear is hairnets. This goes over the head and is used to prevent any hair pieces from falling on to the pizza. They also wear rubber gloves when preparing the pizza to stop and dirt or bacteria from spreading. This is used as a precaution when though the employees wash their hand before they are making pizza. Rocco’s pizza has a computer located in their store which has many purposes. One of which is to order stock from JJ Food. They use the computer to select the amount of quantity they want and to enter their shipping and contact details. Another reason they use a computer is to design and print out their leaflets. They would use a software like Microsoft Word as it has a variety of features such as word art and a wide selection of fonts. They also have a till which is used to calculate the customer’s order and is also used to print out their receipts. The till also contains change in which the cashier has to give to the customer if they don’t have any change. How to cite Developing a Product, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
To Kill A Mockingbird Essays (724 words) - To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill A Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird In the mid 1900s there were many types of families. Some families cared not about what other people thought about what they did, but about if it seemed right to them. Other families did not care what people thought nor did they try to behave descent. And still the families who did their best with what they had. In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, these three types of families seem best displayed in the Finches, Ewells, and Cunninghams. To begin with, the Finch family, with only one parent, portrays a well-rounded family. First, Atticus Finch raises two children on his own. Jem and Scout, both basically good kids although they grew up with only one parent. They both usually do as Atticus says unless they believe in what they want to do. "Don't go to him, he might not like it. He's all right, lets go home. I just wanted to see where he was." (p.151) Also, Scout has difficulty becoming a young lady. She has no mother figure to show her how a lady should dress and act. Aunt Alexandra moves in with the Finch family to show Scout how to act more like a lady. "Jem's growing up now and you are too. We decided it would be best for you to have some feminine influence." (p.127) "Aunty had a way of declaring What is Best For The Family, and I suppose her coming to live with us was in that category" (p.129) Finally, Jem Finch grows up very responsible with Atticus's influence very strong. Though not having a mother figure also affects him in that in the beginning he has no respect for the way Scout should dress and act as a lady. Towards the end having Aunt Alexandra as a mother influence helps him to realize Scout's role as a lady. "It's time you started bein a girl and actin' right!" (p. 115) Besides the Finches, the Ewell family, a disgrace to the town of Maycomb, lives in poverty and ignorance. To begin with, Robert Ewell, an abusive, hateful drunk, has no intellect or dignity whatsoever. He lives with his seven children in an impoverished home behind the city dump. "No economic fluctuations changed their status-people like the Ewells lived as guests of the county in prosperity as well as in the depths of a depression" (p.170) Also, the seven children of Mr. Ewell do nothing all day. They don't help Mayella keep things in order at their house. "I felt right sorry for her, she seemed to try more'n the rest of 'em-" (p.197) Then, Mayella Ewell, a lonely girl without a person in the world who cares for her, besides Tom Robinson, accuses her one friend of raping her. Tom Robinson cares enough about Mayella to do odd jobs for her around the house without being paid a cent. Mayelle seemed so lonely she would befriend anyone who showed even the slightest bit of interest in her. "She'd call me in, suh. Seemed like every time I passed by yonder she'd have some little somethin' for me to do-" (p.191) Just as the Ewells had little money, neither did the Cunninghams, but they did their best to be upstanding citizens. First, Walter Cunningham, a quiet boy, attends school with Scout. He may be poor, but he acts like a perfect gentleman. "The Cunninghams never took anything they could not pay back" (p.20) Also, Mr. Cunningham, a friend of the Finch family, goes against Mr. Finch to try to kill Tom Robinson. Mr. Cunningham and a group of men come to kill Tom, but Scout, Jem, and Dill came and interrupted them. Scout went and talked to Mr. Cunningham and he called their raid off. "Let's clear out, lets get going, boys." (p.154) Finally, the Cunningham family never borrows or takes anything they can not pay back. Mr. Finch did some entailments for Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Cunningham paid him with food. The Finches, Ewells, and Cunninghams, all families in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, have many similarities and differences. The Ewells and Cunninghams, both poor, seem different in that the Ewells display trash and ignorance, and the Cunninghams display good mannerisms. The Finches and Cunninghams both posses great manners, but the Cunninghams live in poverty whereas the Finches seem "comfortable." The Ewells and the Finches have almost nothing in common. Of the many types of families in the mid 1900s, the Finches, Ewells, and the Cunninghams seem to be the three
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